Dear Student,
Queensland authorities announce an end to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Students who visit the Brisbane campus, including Sheldon’s Training Restaurant and Edison Workshop, are required to download and register via the Check In Qld app. If you are unable to download the app, you will still need to give your contact information to the college.
Download on Apple store:
Get it on Google Play:
You must wear a face mask at all times, including in the Brisbane Campus, Sheldon’s Training Restaurant and Edison Workshop.
You must carry a face mask with you at all times and when you are outside your home, unless:
- you are alone in your car or with the members of your household
- you are eating or drinking
- you are at your usual workplace and can physically distance from others (except if you work in a hospitality venue or are a passenger transport operator)
- you are alone outdoors or with members of your household
- it is unsafe.
If you have been to any of the exposure sites listed here: you must do the following:
- Immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation, and quarantine
- Get tested at your earliest opportunity
- Complete the online contact tracing form by clicking on the name for the relevant location in the table below. A popup window will appear (in the place listed in the link above) with specific advice for that location and a link to the form.
- If you are unable to complete the contact tracing form, please call 134 COVID (134 268).
- Continue to quarantine even after receiving a negative result. After you complete the contact tracing form, you will be contacted by Queensland Health.
Brisbane campus, including Sheldon’s Training Restaurant and Edison Workshop, will be reopened. Students will be advised to follow the updated class timetables and arrangements made by their respective schools’ staff (e.g., course coordinators). All online classes will continue as usual.
If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact our staff.
- Diana School of Community Services:
- Edison School of Tech Sciences:
- Branson School of Business and Technology:
- Sheldon School of Hospitality:
- Bespoke Grammar School of English:
Yours sincerely