Interested in studying with us?
Not sure which course is right for you?
Getting Started
Prior to enrolment, it is mandatory that students attend a Pre-Enrolment Consultation with one of our approved Education Agents and/or delegated AIBT staff.
A Pre-Enrolment Consultation session may be provided to a prospective student on one or more occasions to provide the prospective student with additional time and/or information to make an informed decision. In addition, the communication channels used for conducting Pre-Enrolment Consultation sessions can be in various forms such as Face-To-Face, Video Conference, telephone calls, and email.
Students will be provided with clear and accurate information about their course before enrolment to allow students to make an informed decision.
During this Pre-Enrolment Consultation session, prospective students will be provided with all the relevant course information to help guide them to make a formal decision that will reflect their existing skills and competencies and meet their needs. International students will be provided with a Pre-Enrolment Consultation Handout to ensure they understand the support services provided and their obligations as an international student. International students should ensure that they have read the Pre-Enrolment Consultation Checklist and Handout below.
More information about each qualification is available on each individual course page on our website.
Once completed, please return to our Enrolments Team – or your Education Agent and/or AIBT Sales Representative.
Pre-Enrolment Handout International Students
Enrolment Application Form