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Brisbane Lockdown Lifted

Student Official Email

Published Apr 1 2021 12:05pm

Updated Apr 1 2021 2:19pm GMT+1000

Dear Students,

Queensland Premier, Annastacia Paslaszczuk, has announced that Greater Brisbane lockdown, which includes the council areas of Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Moreton Bay and Redlands, will end 12 noon today, 1 April 2021.

Brisbane campus including training kitchen and workshop will reopen from 9am Tuesday 6 April 2021. For practical classes, please wait for further updates from our College staff (e.g., course coordinators). All online classes will continue as usual. Please follow the class timetables and announcements made by your respective schools.

As a result of this update, the following restrictions will be in place for two weeks until 12 noon on Thursday 15 April 2021:

  1. You must continue to carry a mask with you whenever you leave home, and wear it in indoor venues
  2. Hospitality venues can open for seated eating and drinking only
  3. Private gatherings are restricted to 30 people
  4. Business can re-open with one person per 2m
  5. Outdoor events can go ahead with a COVID-safe plan, but masks must be worn if social distancing is not possible
  6. Church services will be allowed 100% occupancy with ticketed or allocated seating or adhering to the one per 2m rule
  7. Restrictions on aged care, hospitals, disability care and correctional facilities will apply with no person visitors allowed during this period

As a result, please note that all students are responsible for their own masks and must wear them in all indoor places (including classes) until Thursday 15 April 2021. You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.

If you have any symptoms at all, get tested immediately and quarantine at home until you receive a negative result. Please visit – https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/stay-informed/testing-and-fever-clinics

Please refer to following links for further information:



We wish you all the best in health and study.

Yours sincerely,


Student Official Email

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